+ I live outside Australia/New Zealand, who do I contact?
If you are outside Australia and New Zealand, please refer to our Sub-Publishers to see if the country you are in has a local Sub-Publisher. If there is a sub-publisher for your region, please contact them directly for assistance. If there is not a sub-publisher for your region, please contact City and Vine.
+ Do we need permission to use City and Vine songs in our church services?
There are two ways in which our songs are usually used during church services. The first is to have your band play our songs, and the second is to have your congregation sing along to one of our CD's, DVD's, or Split Tracks.
The rights connected to having a band play our songs in a worship service is exempt from live performance licensing by most Performing Rights Organisation (PRO’s) across the world, so churches do not require a licence to do this. However the act of performing any music in concerts, ticketed conferences or outdoor outreaches that are not classified as regular “worship services” is, by law required to be licenced. Please contact the PRO’s in your country for further information, or click here.
Our songs and resources (CD's and DVD's) are created with the express purpose of enhancing worship, therefore, you are welcome to use our songs, CD's, DVD's and Split Tracks as part of your services with our blessing. This does not include displaying lyrics (PowerPoint Presentation, overhead projector, printing lyrics in bulletins, etc.), recording the music onto CD, MP3, DVD, or broadcasting the music via television or the internet.
+ Do we need a licence to display lyrics on our overhead, print lyrics in our bulletin, or photocopy sheet music for our musicians?
Yes, a licence is required. City and Vine is an affiliate of Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) who have various licensing programs for the reproduction of music in conjunction with church worship services. The best and easiest way for your church to be covered for displaying lyrics and reproducing music is to take out a CCLI licence. Please refer to the CCLI website for further information. If CCLI doesn't cover your country, or if any of their licence programs are not applicable to your needs, please refer to the information on Licence Types.
+ Can I copy City and Vine sound recordings for my worship team?
Yes, however this activity does require a licence. Currently CCLI offer their “Rehearse Licence” which allows the licence holder to reproduce music either physically or digitally to distribute to worship team members. Currently this is only available in North America. Click here for details.
If you’re outside of North America, we can directly licence this activity with our “Rehearsal Track Licence”. For further information please refer to the information on Licence Types.
+ Can I record a cover of a City and Vine song?
It is easy to obtain permission to record a cover of a City and Vine song. A Mechanical Licence is required for this. To find your local mechanical rights society, please click here. If your country is not listed on the APRA/AMCOS website, please contact us directly.
+ Can we use our band's cover versions of City and Vine songs on our DVD, or video presentation?
To use your own versions of City and Vine songs on your project, you will need to secure a “Synchronisation” licence. For further information please refer to the information on Licence Types.
Depending where you are located in the world, we may issue you the licence directly or forward your request to one of our Sub-Publishers.
+ Can we use a City and Vine sound recording (a song directly from one of your CD's) on our promotional video?
Using a City and Vine owned sound recording requires a Master Synchronisation Licence. In order for us to assess whether or not we can grant you this licence we generally ask for the following information to make our assessment:
Song information
Video information/Synopsis
Company/Organisation information
Should you wish to obtain an Master Synchronisation Licence please refer to the information on Licence Types.
+ Can I post one of your videos online?
Unfortunately, not without permission from City and Vine. For more information please get in touch via the contact us page. Please be aware that we track sites like YouTube and are informed when our videos are uploaded without permission, so make it easy for yourself and talk to us first.
+ Can I post my video containing your music online ?
Using a City and Vine owned sound recording requires a Master Synchronisation Licence. In order for us to assess whether or not we can grant you this licence we generally ask for the following information to make our assessment:
Song information
Video information/Synopsis
Company/Organisation information
Should you wish to obtain an Master Synchronisation Licence please refer to the information on Licence Types.
Please be aware that we track sites like YouTube and are informed when our sound recordings are uploaded without permission, so make it easy for yourself and talk to us first.
+ Can I do my own cover version of a City and Vine song and record my own vocal over a City and Vine owned backing track?
Unfortunately, as a general policy we do not allow this, however in some circumstances, we would consider this. Please contact us.
+ How much do licences cost?
Licence costs vary depending on the terms of use which you are seeking. The broader the terms which you are seeking the greater the fee will be. For more information please contact us.
+ How does the licensing process work?
Once you have submitted your application form to City and Vine, you will receive an initial confirmation of your request. At this point your request will be assessed by our licensing staff and you be notified if we need further information or if your application is declined for any reason. This is usually within 10 working days. If approved, we will send a quotation to you for your approval.
+ I would like to use your song but I want to change some of the lyrics. Is this okay?
As a policy, City and Vine does not allow song lyrics to be modified.
+ Do you have official translations available for your songs?
If you are looking for a translation, please get in touch with us via the contact page.
+ May I use my own translation if it is for church worship only?
Our preference is that official and approved translations are used in all settings, however we are open to allowing unauthorised translations to be used for church worship only in some circumstances (eg: live setting not being broadcasted, streamed, recorded, etc). If there is not an authorised translation in your language or you strongly wish to use your own, we ask that you contact us.
+ I want to record my translation one of your songs. Can I use my own translation?
Unfortunately we do not permit unofficial translations to be recorded. Should you wish to record a song where there is not already an official translation available we encourage you to submit the translation to us for review along with your licence application form.
+ Can I create a remix of a City and Vine song?
If you wish to re-create the track completely and record all the parts yourself you can obtain a Mechanical Licence, see Licence Types for further information. However, if you are enquiring to use SHOUT! owned sound recordings for your remix, a separate licence is required for this. All remixes are subject to approval and must be sent through to us before licences are approved and the remix is free for distribution.
Multi-track stems gained through multitracks.com are strictly for the purpose for church worship only and not for reproduction.
+ Can I print City and Vine song lyrics in my ‘Order of Service’ Booklet for a Wedding, Funeral, etc?
We have a Special Print Licence available which will permit you to print lyrics in your booklet. Should you wish to obtain an Special Print Licence please refer to the information on Licence Types.
+ Can I print City and Vine song lyrics on a t-shirt or other merchandise for sale?
Should you wish to enquire about a licence to print song lyrics onto merchandise, for the purpose of retail sale please get in touch via the contact us page.
+ Can I print City and Vine song lyrics in a book/thesis that I am writing?
If you wish to print City and Vine song lyrics in a book or paper that you are writing you will need to apply for a Print Licence. In order for us to assess your licence we generally ask for the following information to make our assessment.
Song information
Context of use/Synopsis (we require the page before, the page of, and the page after where the lyrics are to be used)
Should you wish to obtain a Print Licence please refer to the information on Licence Types.