When a song is written, there are certain rights that are connected to the song and are by default, owned by the writer/s of the song. Such rights are:

Exclusive Rights

  • The right to reproduce the song in any format – CD, cassette, DVD, Video, digital etc.

  • The right to print the song, including music and lyrics

  • The right to perform/communicate the song in a public place

  • The right to broadcast the song (including TV, radio and the internet)

  • The right to make an adaptation of the song – arrangement, translation, etc.

Moral Rights

  • The right to be attributed or credited as the author

  • The right to prevent uses or modification of their song that would be prejudicial to the writer’s reputation

You can find further information about copyright on



Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) was established in 1988 to provide churches with simple, affordable solutions to complex copyright issues. CCLI helps churches maintain their integrity and avoid costly lawsuits, while also giving churches the freedom to worship expressively and spontaneously.

It is CCLI’s aim to provide a simple, legal and affordable solution to copyright issues faced by the Christian community, whether they are reproducing song words, copying from authorised publications, showing films, or accessing song lyrics online. For more information about CCLI please visit their website



APRA/AMCOS are a licensing and collection organisation for both the performance and reproductions for musical works in Australia and NZ. For affiliated societies around the world click here.